Now the Heart can be seen in 4 Dimensions and its Blood Flowdourt200018 janv. 20161 min de lecture The MRI shows the blood flow in the four chambers of the heart in 4 dimensions here in a colour-encoded image depicting subtle abnormalities before the disease becomes too advanced.#CardiacMRI #4dimensions #4D #MedicalImaging #RSNA2015
The MRI shows the blood flow in the four chambers of the heart in 4 dimensions here in a colour-encoded image depicting subtle abnormalities before the disease becomes too advanced.#CardiacMRI #4dimensions #4D #MedicalImaging #RSNA2015
Le COVID-19 vu par le Docteur DourtheQu'est-ce que le Coronavirus ? Oui je sais, vous le savez tous, car c'est le sujet d'actualité. Ce virus qui a quitté Wuhan en Chine et...